Judging Criteria
Our expert independent judges will pick the best app submitted to their category by scoring on three criteria from 1-5. Two of the criteria are shared across all categories (Uniqueness & User Experience), and one will be unique to the category.

The highest cumulative score in each category will be the winner, the second highest, second place, the third highest, third place. Ties will be broken at the judge's discretion.
Criteria for All Categories
Uniqueness or innovative:
  • Are there other readily available apps that I can accomplish the same result with? Does the app allow the user to accomplish something new? Does the app have a unique or new business model?
Overall User Experience:
  • Is the app easy to use? Does the interface make sense? Is it easy to get started and setup?
Category 1: Most Fun Application: Puzzles, Games, & General Fun
How engaging is the application? Does it provide an enjoyable experience that keeps a user coming back? Is this the type of app you would immediately open if you were bored? Does the use case prioritize this enjoyment first?
    Category 2:
    Best Use of Twilio in a Can't Be Evil Application

    Does the app use one of Twilio's APIs in a core way that further enables the use case? Is it still a "Can't Be Evil" app that enables user owned identity and data? Is Twilio used in a protocol like way that adds to the user experience and could be monetized on the user side?
    Category 3:
    Best Designed, Lightning Enabled Application
    How intuitive and polished is the design of the app? Does it make use of the Lightning Network in a core way? How easy is the app to use? Do all the design elements (logos, layout, colors) work well together?
    Register on Devpost
    Step-by-step instructions and much more will be available after you register on Devpost.
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