We Are Not Giving Financial Advice
General Disclaimer. Under no circumstances should any material, information, or statements provided during the "FutureProof" virtual conference be construed or considered as an offer to sell or a solicitation of any offer to buy, hold, or stake, an interest in any securities, investment funds, digital asset, or investment contract. The information provided during the "FutureProof" virtual conference, including any presentations, videos, demonstrations, or information is not intended to promote the products or services of third parties and is provided solely as technical information. Dystopia Labs and Blockstack do not render or offer to render personalized financial, investment, tax, legal or accounting advice, thus under no circumstances should any material, information, or statements provided during the "FutureProof" virtual conference be construed or considered as financial, investment, tax, legal or accounting advice. Dystopia Labs and Blockstack do not sponsor, approve, or promote the financial products, services, or securities of Third Parties involved in, participating in, or presenting at the "FutureProof" virtual conference. Dystopia Labs and Blockstack do not act as a manager or fund marketer, adviser or agent, (ii) is not authorized to bind, or act on behalf of, or to make representations for any Third Parties involved in, participating in, or presenting at the "FutureProof" virtual conference.